Arroyo Seco Ranch | Greenfield

Owned by BSLT since 2007, Arroyo Seco Ranch is a natural wonderland located just west of Greenfield — an ideal setting rigorous guided hikes and inspiring a passion for stewardship.  

It’s rolling 1,675 acres are linked to surrounding wilderness areas rich with native habitats and river and creek systems that sustain numerous plant and animal species. The property includes a two-mile stretch of the Arroyo Seco River, which has been named a priority steelhead restoration site. Rare sycamore alluvial woodland forests, abundant songbirds and the endangered California red-legged frog are all part of this ecosystem.

BSLT has established a conservation grazing program on the ranch to ensure the grasslands are utilized in a productive manner that enhances the natural resources of the property. Our partner in this effort, Mark Farr, Owner/Operator of Corral de Tierra Cattle Company explains, “Over the years, I’ve learned more from Big Sur Land Trust’s stewardship team about improving my sustainable grazing approach and what type of landscapes we are working towards at the two properties. We’re mirroring the way nature worked back when large herds of deer, antelope and elk roamed the area. Grazing in this way means fire danger is greatly reduced; soils are fertilized; healthy native grasses, legumes and forbs grow; and groundwater quality is improved. The cows are a natural tool for growing great grass; they mow while they eat, help turn the soil with their hooves, and fertilize.”
