Caring for the lands you love for the long term
When Big Sur Land Trust (BSLT) agrees to protect a property by direct ownership or through a conservation easement, we make a commitment to care for the conservation values and infrastructure over the long term. We believe that true lasting protection lies within our ability to act as stewards of the land and do the job well.
Through our McMahan Family Stewardship Endowment, Big Sur Land Trust's stewardship staff works collaboratively with other organizations, landowners, and volunteers to maintain, improve, and sustain our landscapes.
- Natural Resources – Our goal is to manage land in a way that promotes the ecological integrity, functioning, and resilience of ecosystems. Our work is guided by both traditional and innovative science-based approaches that restore unique habitats, manage invasive species, reduce erosion into sensitive waterways, and protect rare and sensitive biological communities.
- Working Lands – BSLT manages a conservation grazing program and supports ranches that bolster the productive capacity of grasslands, increase biological diversity, and reduce wildfire risk for the surrounding community. In our recovery efforts from the River Fire, which burned Marks Ranch in August 2020, we have partnered with the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary as part of the Healthy Soils Program run through the California Department of Food and Agriculture. Recognizing that the health of the Marine Sanctuary is tied directly to the health of the land, this program helps working ranches and farmlands improve soil health and promote its ability to sequester carbon that cause ocean acidification and warming. Learn more here.
- Access and Infrastructure – We maintain the trail systems, roads, and infrastructure that help facilitate the experiences, programs, and access to some of the most amazing landscapes the Central Coast has to offer.
- Community Benefits – In many cases, our stewardship projects aim to achieve common ground goals within the community. Whether it is maintaining emergency access routes, reducing wildfire risk, or creating a native plant demonstration site, BSLT seeks out multi-benefit projects.
- Conservation Easement Program – We work with private landowners to protect the significant natural resources on their properties for the benefit of the public and future generations.
- Inspiring a Stewardship Ethic – We promote best management practices for private landowners, provide opportunities for volunteers and interns to learn and contribute, support collaborative efforts to share knowledge and find solutions to challenging regional issues, and support researchers that are developing new tools and resources.