Mitteldorf Preserve is Open for Hiking + Free Drill Seeding Rangeland Demo at Marks Ranch

Mitteldorf Preserve is open for hiking! 

We’re excited to announce that the installation of our new bridge at Mitteldorf Preserve in Carmel Valley is complete! Because of our generous donors, partners, and funders, this work was possible – and now hike reservations are open for Mitteldorf Preserve!

Since the Soberanes Fire in 2016 and subsequent heavy winter rains damaged the property, our stewardship team has been securing permits and funding to install the new bridge. In August, after salvaging plants in the affected area, completing a biological survey, and training the work crew on how to lessen impacts on biological resources, the process of removing the old bridge and installing the new one began.

The new bridge restores access to the lodge, Nature Loop Trail, and the Dewing Redwood while also improving habitat for sensitive NOAA-designated steelhead trout. Mitteldorf Preserve is beautiful this time of year, so book your hike now!

Free Drill Seeding Rangeland Demonstration

Wednesday, November 17
9:00am – 12:00pm

Join us in the field to learn more about drill seeding and alternative seeding methods. Watch a live demonstration of drill seeding at Marks Ranch in Salinas to gain a better understanding of what factors to consider when implementing a rangeland seeding project and how to determine best seed mixtures. In addition, learn how the Healthy Soils Program can help fund your rangeland seeding project.

Learn more and sign up here.