Latest eNews – Tour our Carr Lake Park Site in July or Volunteer in August!
Tour the site of a future park!
Friday, July 19 10:00 AM – Noon
Join us for a tour of our Carr Lake site in Salinas with Rachel Saunders, Big Sur Land Trust’s Director of Conservation, and Jennifer Vasquez, our Conservation Program Assistant! They will be sharing the vision for this new park in the heart of Salinas, the history of the property, our goals for the park, and how the community is engaged in the design process. You’ll walk through the native plant demonstration garden and see examples of our restoration plans. As we explain the benefits of restoring the floodplain, you’ll learn about the relationship between the site and the larger watershed and the connection between Carr Lake and the ocean. And you’ll have plenty of time to ask questions!
Sign up at We will contact you with further details on carpooling opportunities and meeting location.
Make history at our Carr Lake garden
Saturday, August 3 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM
You can be part of history at our Carr Lake site in Salinas. As we plan a new park in the heart of the city, we are working with CSUMB’s Return of the Natives on growing a native plant garden. The garden serves as a demonstration site to show what will be possible when our property is fully restored. Students and community members who work on the garden are all making history as they bring back these native plants to Carr Lake: White Yarrow, Mugwort, California Poppy, Santa Barbara Sedge, Creeping Wild Rye, Coast Live Oak and Valley Oak. You can be part of this amazing story too!
After all the spring rains, the garden is thriving – and so are the weeds. We need several volunteers to help us maintain the garden, remove vegetation from the walkways, pick up litter and apply mulch. Gloves and snacks will be provided. Learn more and sign up here.
With your gift, you become a part of Big Sur Land Trust’s legacy of conserving over 40,000 acres and increasing access to public parklands in Monterey County.