We’re part of MCGives! + Shop BSLT Merch

Support Big Sur Land Trust through MCGives!

Give today through December 31st

We are grateful to be part of Monterey County Gives! once again. In August, Big Sur Land Trust’s Marks Ranch, located between Toro County Park and the Las Palmas neighborhoods, was called into service on the River Fire as part of the incident command center. It quickly became clear that a critical firefight would be waged on this beautiful, historic 79-acre ranch. In a back-burning operation to save nearby neighborhoods, several acres and vast portions of chaparral, oak woodlands, rare expanses of grassland habitats, and important wildlife corridors were burned. Thankfully, this action was part of the approach used by expert firefighters that kept the fire from destroying many homes and jumping Highway 68. The site must be made safe so that hikers and local youth who attend our day camps can return!

Please give today so that repairs can be made to water infrastructure, roads, and trails to ensure that Marks Ranch can stand ready to serve the community once again. Check out our video and donate here.

Kiss the Ground

Virtual Movie Club
December 9 | 4:30pm – 6:00pm

Now available on Netflix, the documentary Kiss the Groundunpacks the ways the earth’s soil may be the key to combating climate change. Big Sur Land Trust is starting our own healthy soils program as part of the fire recovery efforts at Marks Ranch!

Hear from the Agricultural Water Quality Coordinator from NOAA’s Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Pam Kroneand regenerative rancher and author Doniga Markegard – whose family ranch is featured in Kiss the Ground. Watch the film on your own and then meet up with us for our first virtual movie club event. RSVP to join us here.

Our new BSLT Shop is open! 

Get a start on your holiday shopping with Big Sur Land Trust hats, shirts, and note cards.

Shop here.