Sign up to volunteer at the BSIM on behalf of Big Sur Land Trust! BSIM is an iconic and more sustainable event thanks to volunteers, and Big Sur Land Trust volunteers support BSIM sustainability as part of Big Sur Land Trust’s work to support healthy lands, healthy people, and healthy communities.
Volunteers should give themselves plenty of time to drive to the finish area, park, and walk to the meet-up location. Please plan to arrive 15-20 minutes before your shift begins.
Beginning at 11:00 AM, volunteers will help to keep the Big Sur International Marathon (BSIM) finish area clean and litter-free. Your help to capture any litter left behind by tired runners and their enthusiastic fans will help to ensure none of it ends up on nearby conserved lands or in rivers, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary waters, and neighborhoods.
In addition to litter picking, volunteers will help with the breakdown of the finish line infrastructure that helped to keep the marathon clean and green.
Your volunteer shift will end no later than 4:00 PM. You’ll receive more instructions over email the week before the event.
We look forward to a day of service with you!
Here is how to sign up for this truly ‘epic’ volunteer opportunity:
PHOTO CREDITS: William Brown, Luis Escobar, Karen Fenstermaker, Harrison Page, Andrew Tronick, Don Wilcoxon, Steve Zalan