Hiss Parcel Project

Big Sur Land Trust acquired the 84-acre Hiss Parcel in Monterey along the south side of Highway 68 across from the Monterey Regional Airport in April 2024. Conserving this land preserves a significant portion of the larger Canyon Del Rey watershed and supports rich wetlands, riparian habitat, perennial and annual grasslands, Coast Live Oak woodlands, and small patches of maritime chaparral and Monterey Pine forest. The conservation values of this acquisition are substantial. By preventing potential development, we are protecting important habitats that are part of a valuable wildlife corridor. Deer, coyote, and black bears have been spotted on the land.

The Hiss Parcel project is located within a corridor of protected areas on both the north and south side of Highway 68 including the Fort Ord National Monument, the Joyce Stevens Monterey Pine Preserve, Jacks Peak County Park, and Palo Corona Regional Park.

This land also holds cultural values of significant importance to the Ohlone/Costanoan-Esselen Nation (OCEN), and together we are committed to a shared goal of eventual ancestral land return. Big Sur Land Trust looks forward to collaborating with OCEN on a conservation management and restoration plan for the long-term stewardship of the property.

This is one of many important projects that Big Sur Land Trust is working on that supports the California 30x30 initiative which prioritizes restoring and protecting 30% of the lands and waters by the year 2030. Big Sur Land Trust is excited to work with Indigenous partners to help meet 30x30 goals in Monterey County.

See the press release for more information on the conservation values of the Hiss Parcel Project and our partnership with OCEN.
