Ensen Community Park at Carr Lake | Salinas
- Construction has begun!
- A name has been chosen for the future park in Salinas! Read more >>
Click here or on the image below for an interactive experience of Carr Lake’s complex history and our park project’s progress.

Big Sur Land Trust owns 73 acres within the area known as Carr Lake in Salinas, California. The Carr Lake Basin is an approximately 480-acre seasonally dry lakebed in the heart of the city. For decades, the community has envisioned transforming Carr Lake into a "central park." Our acquisition of this 73-acre property at Carr Lake in 2017, was the initial step towards transforming a portion of Carr Lake into an asset for the community that will help address the lack of parks and open space. We are especially excited that since our first community engagement meeting in 2018, over 6,700 residents, members of community groups, and city leaders have advocated to co-create a multi-benefit central park that reflects the heart and soul of Salinas.
In addition to addressing community needs for open space and parklands, the Land Trust's Carr Lake project provides multiple environmental benefits including ecological restoration, and water quality improvements.
The park will be built in two phases:
- a 6-acre neighborhood park that will include a traditional playground, a skate spot, a basketball court, barbecues, picnic areas and more.
- a 67-acre restoration area featuring seasonal wetlands, habitat for wildlife, and trails.
After construction of each phase is complete, plans include transferring the land to the city for park operations, with the Land Trust continuing to support habitat management in the restoration area.
Salinas is a very special place, and we are fortunate and honored that the community has put their trust in us! The opportunity to work with Center for Community Advocacy along with other partners and residents to plan this park has been an incredibly inspiring learning process for Big Sur Land Trust. This park project is the first of its kind for the Land Trust — a large, ambitious urban greening project that requires a significant amount of funding. We now have a $150,000 funding gap, please consider donating today.
Video by Felice Consulting Group
Help make the community’s dream of a park in the heart of Salinas at Carr Lake come true!