Redwood Tribute Tree Donors
Thank you for helping us create a new redwood forest at Glen Deven Ranch in Big Sur, where our efforts to remove invasive species, reduce wildfire fuel, and restore native habitat are ongoing. Each redwood planted represents a new beginning and is an everlasting gift to the environment and future generations.
Do you want to place your Tribute Gift request today? Click here or for more information call Yadira at 831-625-5523 or email
Donors from January 2020 through December 2020:
Bella Griner and Stephanie Abney
Michelle Lynn Adams
Oliver, Thomas and Walter Berzac
Daphne's Birthday
Marshall Jerome Bloom
Patti Boitano
The Borer Family
Chris Brown
Polly Connor
The Delacour Family
Denis Dunn
Brian Giera and Serra Elliott
Victoria Franklin
Drew Ginsburg
Russell Haisley
Lucy Halse
Chris Hannes
Aaron Taylor Johnson
Becky Kanow
Tim Leister
Nicholas Lovett
Hiebert Family
John Rhinehardt
Roger Ruehle
Sherri and Peter Sawaya
Ioana S. Schipor
Web and Becky Stiles
Jerry & Penny Swan
Thomas 15th Wedding Anniversary
Todd Trautmann
Rocco and Julian Trentacosti
David Tucker
Tihane Velez-Abraham
Jenny, Mike, Bryn and Elinor Walsh
Andrew Warner
Charles W. Winge
Judy, Sam, Molly
Nikki, Kaylee, Raena, Ashlyn
Betty, A Wonderful Lady
Ephraim Agaton
Shepherd Byrne
The Banks and Cain Families
Robert Cayce
John Joseph Connor, Jr.
Dr. Chad Corriveau
Carlo Cortopassi
Susan B. Creveling
Lydia Beth Davis
Marion Carroll Dresser
James E. Durbin
John Elwood
James Forsmo
Jerry Grady
Hayden Hanlon
Samuel J. Huang
Renee Margaret Jennings
Joe Kingston
Ben Kunst
Diane Leister
Mario Mike Lerda
Larrilyn Love
Robert Mitchell
Mary Mullins
Robert Peters
Tran Quang Phong
Lillian Quon
Sushant Singh Rajput
Ron Scheldwacht
Barbara Sides
Jenne Smith
Iris Charney Sullivan
Anneliese Suter
Leona Thomas
Brian Towersey
Cheri Townsend
Jim Zinn